Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Title-ating news

One of my devoted readers ok, fine, the only friend of mine to whom I've mentioned this little blog experiment (and thus my only reader), remarked to me that the title of the blog, The Kooky Cookie, is corrupting the minds of the thousands of young kids.

Before I get to my corrupting influences, let me first explain how TKC was christened. My search for a title was simple: I wanted a name that somehow captured the essence of this blog - a unique combination of edible treats and the fact that I have a bizarre enough sense of humor to find this whole idea amusing. So I debated the Funky Fortune or perhaps the Comical Cookie. Despite their alliterative qualities, neither name held much appeal to me. And they shouldn't hold appeal for you for the simple reason that they suck. After much consternation, Kooky Cookie came to me like an unexpected bite into a red pepper hiding in a Kung Pao chicken. It was appealing because if you say it fast it sounds like Cookie Cookie or Kooky Kooky depending on which variant of English you prefer. Sadly, Kooky Cookie was taken, so I had to settle for The Kooky Cookie. TKC was born.

Now that you understand the innocent and humble beginnings of this blog's title, let's return to my corrupting influences. My friend remarked, "isn't your title a double, or even triple entendre?" Umm, what? So I quickly ran over to the Urban Dictionary and it turns out that cookie and kookie, but not kooky, do indeed have less than desirable anatomical meanings.

So do I rename the blog? Perhaps give it a name with no meaning at all, like Xyburt? Or do I keep it and hope that people will realize that my blog is not called The Kooky Vagina? If the title is good enough for a rather perky looking UK-based cookie catering business, it surely can be good enough for me. Besides, this blog is totally innocent; who doesn't like nibbling on sweet, tasty cookies? Umm... you know what I mean, I hope.

Just in case, though, my thousands of young readers should stop reading right now. What? I don't have any? Problem solved.

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